Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service Results

The Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933 established a nationwide system of public employment offices, known as the Employment Service. The Employment Service seeks to improve the functioning of the nation's labor markets by bringing together individuals seeking employment with employers seeking workers. The Wagner-Peyser Act was amended in 1998 to make the Employment Service part of the one-stop delivery system under the Workforce Investment Act. In 2014, the Wagner-Peyser Act was amended again under title III of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The Employment Service under WIOA builds upon the previous workforce reforms, requires colocation of the Employment Service offices into the nearly 2,500 American Job Centers nationwide, and aligns performance accountability indicators with other federal workforce programs.

The data available here include national, regional and state totals on types of jobseekers and the types of services they received. Outcomes data are also shown for all jobseekers, eligible Unemployment Insurance claimants, and veterans. National level Employment Service data and performance reports are updated quarterly and can be found on the WIOA Performance Results page.

Data on the Monitor Advocate System, which are a subset of the Employment Service data, can be found on the National Monitor Advocate Performance and Reporting page.

Performance Data

Program Year (PY) 2017

Services to Veterans