Raritan offers a full line of CIMs to support a variety of platforms and applications.
Dominion dual USB/VGA CIM required for virtual media (BIOS access), absolute mouse synchronization, tiering, audio and Smart Card/CAC use.
Dominion USB CIM for BIOS virtual media and absolute mouse synchronization. Compatible with the following KVM Switches:
Dominion USB-C CIM for OS virtual media and absolute mouse synchronization. Single connection to server USB-C port.
Dominion digital DisplayPort, USB CIM required for virtual media (BIOS access), absolute mouse synchronization, tiering, audio and Smart Card/CAC use.
Dominion digital HDMI, USB CIM required for virtual media (BIOS access), absolute mouse synchronization, tiering, audio and Smart Card/CAC use.
Dominion digital DVI-D, USB CIM required for virtual media (BIOS access), absolute mouse synchronization, tiering, audio and Smart Card/CAC use.
CIM for USB and SUN USB keyboard and mouse.
Dominion Computer Interface Module (CIM) for SUN ports, HD15 video.
Dominion CIM for VGA, PS/2 ports.