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Transcript: Find your shortcut
Screen images simulated and sequences shortened.
[Video Overview: Demonstration of Fargo, Wells Fargo’s virtual assistant in their mobile app. This video shows an interaction with Fargo on a mobile phone screen that demonstrates finding a routing number.]
The Fargo welcome screen appears on an outline of a mobile phone.
On screen text: Hi, Penelope. Let me know what you’d like to do today.
Four buttons read: Send money, What’s my balance, Transaction history, Show me what Fargo can do.
A dialogue box with a microphone icon at the bottom of the screen reads: type or say something.
A yellow dot taps the microphone icon. Text appears as purple circles pulse around the microphone icon: What’s my routing number?
A new screen appears with checking account information including account and routing numbers.
On screen text: Here’s what I found.
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Transcript: Personal insights
Screen images simulated and sequences shortened.
[Video Overview: Demonstration of Fargo, Wells Fargo’s virtual assistant in their mobile app. This video shows an interaction with Fargo on a mobile phone screen that demonstrates reviewing a spending summary.]
The Fargo welcome screen appears on an outline of a mobile phone.
On screen text: Hi, Penelope. Let me know what you’d like to do today.
Four buttons read: Send money, What’s my balance, Transaction history, Show me what Fargo can do.
A dialogue box with a microphone icon at the bottom of the screen reads: type or say something.
A yellow dot taps the microphone icon. Text appears as purple circles pulse around the microphone icon: What did I spend last month?
A summary screen appears with three tabs: Summary, Category, and Merchant.
On screen text: Here’s your spending for your personal checking and credit card.
The summary tab is highlighted. A graph shows a month by month spending comparison.
A yellow dot taps the Category tab.
A pie chart appears showing spending in different categories as the screen scrolls down to reveal a list of spending in top categories including shopping, food and drink, pets, home, health and other.
A yellow dot taps the Merchant tab.
A pie chart appears showing spending at different merchants as the screen scrolls down to reveal a list of spending with top merchants.
Start by signing into the latest version of the Wells Fargo Mobile® app
Then tap the Fargo icon in the top left corner and speak or type your question into the prompt.
Not sure what to ask? Fargo offers suggestions to get you started, and you can even ask Fargo what it can do.
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Transcript: How to Fargo
Screen images simulated and sequences shortened.
[Video Overview: Demonstration of Fargo, Wells Fargo’s virtual assistant in their mobile app. This video shows an interaction with Fargo on a mobile phone screen that demonstrates how to review what Fargo can do.]
The Fargo welcome screen appears on an outline of a mobile phone.
On screen text: Hi, Penelope. Let me know what you’d like to do today.
Four buttons read: Send money, What’s my balance, Transaction history, Show me what Fargo can do.
A yellow dot taps the button reading: Show me what Fargo can do.
A new screen appears.
On screen text: Here’s how I can help make banking easier.
Several drop down boxes are listed, they include:
Get help with transactions, Make a payment or transfer, Manage accounts, Manage cards, and Update profile and settings.
A yellow dot taps the drop down box that reads: Get help with transactions. The box expands revealing a list that reads:
Find charges over $50, Show activity from Amazon, Show deposits this week, Show pending transactions, Search for recent withdrawals, Dispute a transaction, Report fraud.
- Find your shortcut
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Transcript: Find your shortcut
Screen images simulated and sequences shortened.
[Video Overview: Demonstration of Fargo, Wells Fargo’s virtual assistant in their mobile app. This video shows an interaction with Fargo on a mobile phone screen that demonstrates finding a routing number.]
The Fargo welcome screen appears on an outline of a mobile phone.
On screen text: Hi, Penelope. Let me know what you’d like to do today.
Four buttons read: Send money, What’s my balance, Transaction history, Show me what Fargo can do.
A dialogue box with a microphone icon at the bottom of the screen reads: type or say something.
A yellow dot taps the microphone icon. Text appears as purple circles pulse around the microphone icon: What’s my routing number?
A new screen appears with checking account information including account and routing numbers.
On screen text: Here’s what I found.
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Transcript: Personal insights
Screen images simulated and sequences shortened.
[Video Overview: Demonstration of Fargo, Wells Fargo’s virtual assistant in their mobile app. This video shows an interaction with Fargo on a mobile phone screen that demonstrates reviewing a spending summary.]
The Fargo welcome screen appears on an outline of a mobile phone.
On screen text: Hi, Penelope. Let me know what you’d like to do today.
Four buttons read: Send money, What’s my balance, Transaction history, Show me what Fargo can do.
A dialogue box with a microphone icon at the bottom of the screen reads: type or say something.
A yellow dot taps the microphone icon. Text appears as purple circles pulse around the microphone icon: What did I spend last month?
A summary screen appears with three tabs: Summary, Category, and Merchant.
On screen text: Here’s your spending for your personal checking and credit card.
The summary tab is highlighted. A graph shows a month by month spending comparison.
A yellow dot taps the Category tab.
A pie chart appears showing spending in different categories as the screen scrolls down to reveal a list of spending in top categories including shopping, food and drink, pets, home, health and other.
A yellow dot taps the Merchant tab.
A pie chart appears showing spending at different merchants as the screen scrolls down to reveal a list of spending with top merchants.
Start by signing into the latest version of the Wells Fargo Mobile® app
Then tap the Fargo icon in the top left corner and speak or type your question into the prompt.
Not sure what to ask? Fargo offers suggestions to get you started, and you can even ask Fargo what it can do.
Your browser doesn't support HTML5 video tag.
Transcript: How to Fargo
Screen images simulated and sequences shortened.
[Video Overview: Demonstration of Fargo, Wells Fargo’s virtual assistant in their mobile app. This video shows an interaction with Fargo on a mobile phone screen that demonstrates how to review what Fargo can do.]
The Fargo welcome screen appears on an outline of a mobile phone.
On screen text: Hi, Penelope. Let me know what you’d like to do today.
Four buttons read: Send money, What’s my balance, Transaction history, Show me what Fargo can do.
A yellow dot taps the button reading: Show me what Fargo can do.
A new screen appears.
On screen text: Here’s how I can help make banking easier.
Several drop down boxes are listed, they include:
Get help with transactions, Make a payment or transfer, Manage accounts, Manage cards, and Update profile and settings.
A yellow dot taps the drop down box that reads: Get help with transactions. The box expands revealing a list that reads:
Find charges over $50, Show activity from Amazon, Show deposits this week, Show pending transactions, Search for recent withdrawals, Dispute a transaction, Report fraud.
“Show me my Amazon purchases”
“How much did I spend on pets?”
“What did I spend on groceries?”
“Do I have any pending transactions?”
“What bills are due?”
“I need to turn my card off” 5
Screen image simulated.
- Expand What can I do with Fargo?
You can speak or type to ask Fargo to help with things like:
+ Can I talk to Fargo?
Yes, you can speak or type your questions to Fargo, and Fargo provides typed responses.
+ In what language is Fargo available?
Fargo is available in English and Spanish.
+ What happens if Fargo can’t answer my question?
If Fargo can’t answer your question, Fargo will direct you to Customer Service to speak with someone who can help.
+ Who is able to use Fargo?
Fargo is only available to Wells Fargo consumer customers.
+ How can I get Fargo?
Fargo is available exclusively in the Wells Fargo Mobile® app for smartphones. If you don’t have the app, visit your favorite app store today to download it.
Amazon and all related badges and logos are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates.
FICO is a registered trademark of Fair Isaac Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Zelle® and the Zelle® related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning Services, LLC and are used herein under license.
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Member FDIC.