DMV & Emissions Testing Locations In Montana

The State of Montana does not have any vehicle emissions test requirements at this time because the state does not have any populated areas that the federal government classifies as “non-attainment” status for meeting the Clean Air Act’s air quality regulations.

Incentives for Eco – Friendly Driving in Montana

Even though there are no vehicle emissions test ing requirements in Montana, there are many reasons that Montana vehicle owners may want to consider when maintaining their vehicles, besides the protecting the environment. For more information, contact a local DMV office to learn more about these incentives and how they can provide incentives for maintaining green driving habits.

Tax Deductions for Eco-Friendly Drivers in Montana

The State of Montana offers businesses and individuals an Alternative Fuel Vehicle (AFV) Conversion Tax Credit when Montana businesses and residents convert their vehicles to run on alternative fuels. The following fuel conversions qualify for the AFV tax credit:

The AFV Tax Credit provides up to a 50% deduction on all equipment and labor costs for conversion-related expenses, and specifically for:

The AFV Tax Credit is valid only during the year the business or resident converts the vehicle. Alternative fuel dealers are not eligible for the credit if they convert their own vehicles.

Also, with the recent tax overhaul bill that passed at the end of 2017 in the U.S Congress, the U.S. Federal Government decided to keep its $7500 Alternative Fuel Vehicle tax deduction. Vehicle owners can receive federal tax credits for the following types of alternative vehicles:

Some insurance companies provide rate discounts for vehicle owners who drive “green” or “eco-friendly” vehicles and who practice environmentally – friendly driving habits. Some insurance carriers may provide as much as a 10% discount. Contact your insurance provider for further details. These discounts include:

How to Reduce Driving Emissions & Pollution

Pollution kills upwards of 200,000 people every year in the U.S. Vehicle emissions tes t programs help but are not always enough. The State of Montana provides the public with air pollution and ozone warnings. When the State of Montana alerts residents of air quality incidents, there are several actions residents can take to protect themselves, their families, and environment:

Find Smog Check Stations Near Me

Even though Montana drivers are not required to pass any smog check requirements, Montana-registered drivers can get a voluntary vehicle emissions test done. Check out our DMV & Emissions Testing Locations in Montana pages below to find a DMV office or testing location in your area.

Auto Insurance

Getting car insurance is one of the requirements that vehicle owners need to fulfill in order to register and claim the title for their vehicles in the Department of Motor Vehicles. Vehicle insurance companies in the United States offer full auto insurance and liability coverage that protects the drivers in case of a traffic accident.
