Lawrence, KS

Greatest Lawrence Area Income Growth by Neighborhood (Last 5 years)

  1. Brook Creek
  2. North Lawrence
  3. Prarie Park / Kennedy
  4. East Lawrence / Barker
  5. Big Springs / Clinton
  6. Indian Hills North
  7. Prairie Meadows / Meadows Place
  8. Centennial
  9. West Lawrence
  10. Pleasant Grove / Sibleyville

Lawrence Population Statistics

Source & Methodology

Analytics built by: Location, Inc.

Raw data sources: American Community Survey, U.S. Bureau of the Census, U.S. Department of Education, 50 state departments of education, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 18,000+ local law enforcement agencies, Federal Housing Finance Agency, U.S. Geological Service, National Agricultural Statistics Service.

Date(s) & Update Frequency: 2022 (latest available). Updated annually. Please note: Unemployment data updated May 2024.

Methodology: Unlike standardly available Census demographics, NeighborhoodScout uses dozens of custom models to transform 8.5 million raw demographic data elements from government sources into proprietary indices and insights…. Read more about Scout's Demographic Data