Credit Card / ACH Payment Authorization Forms

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A credit card / ACH authorization form is a document that gives merchants permission to charge a customer’s credit card or bank account without their presence. The document, once signed by the customer, helps companies avoid chargebacks, as the customer’s legal signature makes it very difficult for them to argue that the charge is fraudulent. The document can be used for both one-time payments and recurring transactions.


Credit Card Authorization Forms (2)

One (1) Time Credit Card Payment Authorization Form – For receiving the approval to charge a customer’s credit card ONCE.

Recurring Credit Card Payment Authorization Form – Used for obtaining consent from a customer to charge their card on a recurring basis.

ACH Authorization Forms (2)

One (1) Time ACH (Bank) Payment Authorization Form – Gives a merchant the right to withdraw from a customer’s checking or savings account ONE time.

Recurring ACH (Bank) Payment Authorization FormProvides a merchant with the ability to withdraw from a customer’s bank account on a recurring basis (i.e., weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.).
