The need for research and database for the management of crime was recognized by the Government sometimes back following the serious threat posed by crime. The then Attorney General Mr. S. Amos Wako came up with an idea of setting up a National Crime Research Centre (NCRC) with the overriding objective of carrying out research into the causes of crime and its prevention and to disseminate research findings to Government Agencies charged with administration of criminal justice with a view to assisting them in their policy formulation and planning. He shared the noble idea with a visiting Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) official whose country had experienced similar problems before establishing a criminal research centre. The commitment to establishing the centre was subsequently captured in the 1994-1996 National Development Plan. The Attorney General later proceeded and established an inter-ministerial committee comprising representatives from the Police, Prisons, Probation Services, Judiciary and the Office of the Attorney General to explore ways and means of setting up a crime research centre. The State Law Office provided secretarial support including technical input from Planning, Human Resource and Administrative Departments to the Committee.
The output of the Committee was a Background Research Paper, a Draft Cabinet Memo and a Draft Bill, The National Crime Research Centre Bill (1993). These efforts culminated in the enactment of the National Crime Research Act No. 4 of 1997 which provides the legal framework for the establishment of the Centre. The establishment of the Centre is in line with the International best practice where research has provided critical information on what works to impact on crime and disorder and has helped to generate programmes that can assist criminal justice agencies. The Centre strives to foster coordination in international and regional research, sharing information, infrastructure and mutual assistance. The Centre is offering practical cost effective solutions to crime that are geared towards improving people’s lives.
Contact details
National Crime Research Centre, ACK Garden Annex – Ground Floor, 1st Ngong Avenue, Off Bishop’s Road, P.O. Box 21180-00100, Nairobi. Nairobi County Show phone number 020-2714735 , 0722 980 102 *****