Non-Medical Home care Business Plan Guide + Example

The in-home healthcare industry has been experiencing remarkable growth over the past few years, propelled by an aging population, increased life expectancy, and a growing preference for care within the comfort of one's own home. The Global In-Home Health Care market size was valued at around USD 305.9 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach approximately USD 629.3 billion by 2028, according to data from Fortune Business Insights. Key driving factors include the prevalence of chronic diseases, increased need for cost-effective healthcare delivery systems, technological advancements, and government initiatives promoting home healthcare. Moreover, the recent COVID-19 pandemic has put a spotlight on the importance and feasibility of home healthcare, further catalyzing its growth. The industry's trajectory suggests a promising future for businesses aiming to provide high-quality, personalized care services within a patient's home.

Based on the industry growth, there is no surprise that many are starting new businesses or considering starting a new home healthcare business.

There are two basic types of businesses that you could start:

  1. In Home Healthcare Business
  2. In Home Non-Medical Care Business

In this blog post I am going to guide you through the process of creating a business plan for a non medical home care business. You can also download our free non-medical home care business plan template and start creating your custom plan as you follow along. I plan to cover the following:

With that as the guide, let’s dive in!

Why Write a Business Plan for a Non-Medical Home Care Business?

I could say something like “if you fail to plan you plan to fail” or give you a long list of reasons why the business planning exercise could be beneficial for you, but at the end of the day, most people write a business plan because the people with the money ask for it. Your potential investors or lenders probably are asking for your business plan, so you just have to roll up your sleeves and get it done.

What Should be Included in a Non-Medical Home Care Business Plan?

A non-medical home care business plan should include a Company Description, Market Analysis, Service Offerings, Marketing and Sales Strategy and Financial Projections. Our business plan template has the following outline.

Non-Medical Home Business Plan Outline

I. Executive Summary

II. Business Concept

III. Market Analysis

IV. Competition Analysis

V. Marketing Strategy

VI. Menu and Kitchen Operations

VII. Service and Hospitality

VIII. Financial Plan

IX. Organizational Structure

X. Conclusion

How to Analyze the Market Demand for a Non-Medical Home Care Business?

In order to analyze the market demand for a non-medical home care business, you first need to determine what services you might provide.

Non-Medical Home Care Services

Non-medical home care services focus on helping individuals with their daily activities and needs, improving their quality of life without necessarily providing healthcare-specific treatments. Here are some examples:

Personal Care: This includes assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs) such as bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, and feeding.

Companionship: This involves providing social interaction to prevent loneliness and depression. Companions may engage the individual in conversations, read books, play games, or accompany them to social events.

Meal Preparation: Some non-medical care services involve preparing meals for individuals who may have difficulty cooking for themselves. They may also assist with grocery shopping.

Light Housekeeping: This can include help with tasks like doing laundry, dishes, taking out the trash, and general tidying up around the home.

Transportation Services: Non-medical home care providers can offer non-emergency medical transportation to and from appointments, social engagements, shopping trips, or other errands.

Medication Reminders: While non-medical home care providers do not administer medication, they can remind individuals to take their medication at the appropriate times to ensure adherence to their regimen.

Respite Care: These services provide temporary relief to primary caregivers, allowing them time off for rest, personal errands, or vacations.

Mobility Assistance: Helping individuals move around, whether it's transferring from the bed to a chair or assisting with ambulation around the house or outdoors.

Once you decide what services you might want to provide, you can use Google Keyword Planner Tool to search for keyword phrases related to those services in your area and get an estimate of the number of people searching for those services each month. This can really help analyze which services might be the most popular. For example, I did a search for home care in Chicago and found that there are roughly 320 monthly searches for that keyword phrase. There are roughly 90 monthly search for non-emergency medical transportation in Chicago and only 10 searches per month for companionship services in Chicago.

This should help you get a feel for the most in demand services in your area.

How to Find and Retain Employees for a Non-Medical Home Care Business?

One of the biggest challenges for most non-medical home care businesses is finding and retaining employees. You will likely need some unique plans to recruit and retain good employees. Here are some ideas:


Clear Job Descriptions: Ensure that the roles and responsibilities are clearly stated in your job advertisements. This way, potential employees will understand exactly what is expected of them.

Strong Online Presence: A well-designed website and active social media accounts can enhance your business's credibility and reach. Post job vacancies on your website, LinkedIn, job boards, and social media platforms to attract potential employees.

Partnerships with Local Institutions: Build relationships with vocational schools, nursing schools, and community colleges. They can provide a steady stream of potential candidates.

Employee Referral Program: Your current employees might know others who would be a good fit for your business. Offering incentives for successful referrals can be a productive recruitment tool.


Competitive Pay and Benefits: Offering competitive salaries and benefits, such as health insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, can significantly increase employee retention.

Employee Recognition and Rewards: Regularly acknowledge and reward the hard work and dedication of your employees. This could be through an "Employee of the Month" program, performance bonuses, or simply a thank you note.

Professional Development: Offer ongoing training and development opportunities. This will not only improve the quality of your services but will also show your employees that you value their personal and professional growth.

Supportive Work Environment: Create a culture that supports work-life balance. This could include flexible scheduling, mental health resources, and supportive management.

Open Communication: Foster a culture of open communication where employees feel comfortable voicing their ideas and concerns. Regularly ask for feedback and be responsive to it.

Career Advancement Opportunities: Provide clear pathways for career progression within your company. This gives employees something to work towards and helps them see a future with your organization.

By combining these effective recruitment and retention strategies, your non-medical home care business can build and maintain a reliable, motivated, and highly-skilled team.

How to Find Customers for a Non-Medical Home Care Business?

Finding customers for your non-medical home care business is all about understanding your target audience, building awareness, and establishing trust in your services. Here are several strategies to help attract clients:

Referral Networks: Build strong relationships with healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses, physical therapists, social workers, and hospital discharge planners. They can refer patients to your service. Also, consider forming partnerships with senior centers, retirement communities, and organizations that cater to your target demographic.

Online Marketing: Ensure your business has a robust online presence. Create a professional website detailing your services, customer testimonials, pricing, and contact information. Utilize SEO strategies to ensure your site ranks highly in search results related to home care in your area. Also, leverage social media platforms to connect with potential clients and their families.

Community Outreach: Participate in local events and sponsor activities that resonate with your target audience. Giving talks on elder care topics or offering free workshops can help establish your business as an authority in the field.

Content Marketing: Write blogs or create videos on topics that your potential clients might search for online, such as "How to choose a home care provider" or "Benefits of non-medical home care." This helps position your business as a trusted resource.

Direct Mail and Brochures: Despite the digital age, direct mail campaigns can still be effective, particularly as many seniors may not be as internet-savvy. Distribute brochures or flyers in areas frequented by your target demographic.

Customer Testimonials and Reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences online. Positive testimonials and reviews can be powerful tools for attracting new clients.

Networking: Attend industry-related events and join professional organizations to meet others in the field who might refer clients to you.

Paid Advertising: Consider paid advertising options like Google Ads or Facebook Ads targeting your local area and specific demographics.

Follow-up Services: If a client discontinues your service (e.g., because of hospitalization), ensure to follow up. They might need your service again when they are discharged.

Remember, trust and reliability are key in this industry. By delivering high-quality service, maintaining professional standards, and putting your clients' needs first, you can build a strong reputation that will attract and retain customers.

How Much Working Capital is Needed for a Non-Medical Home Care Business?

As we soon move into the financial projections section, one of the key questions for a non-medical home care business is how much working capital will be needed. I spent over 10 years leading an SBA Microloan Program and we funded many loans for home care services that needed working capital. The basic challenge was that companies often got paid through Medicare or Medicaid which could potentially have a significant delay between the time the service is provided and when you get paid. In the meantime you have to pay your employees. So the more clients you get the more working capital you actually need to float. I would expect that you should have at least 45 days worth of payroll available as working capital. So if your employees cost $50,000 per month, you should have access to a line of credit for at least $75,000 and you should be careful about how fast you grow.

How to Create Financial Projections for a Home Healthcare Business Plan

Just like in any industry, the in-home healthcare business has its unique factors that influence financial projections, such as client acquisition, reimbursement rates, and regulatory compliance. Utilizing an in-home healthcare financial projection template can simplify the process and increase your confidence. Creating accurate financial projections goes beyond showcasing your ability to provide in-home healthcare services; it's about illustrating the financial path to profitability and the realization of your mission to deliver quality care. To develop precise projections, consider the following key steps:

  1. Estimate startup costs for your in-home healthcare business, including licensing and certifications, insurance, office space or administrative setup, equipment, and initial marketing efforts.
  2. Forecast revenue based on projected client volume, reimbursement rates, and potential growth in service offerings or specialty areas.
  3. Project costs related to employee wages, training and development, supplies and equipment, transportation, and administrative expenses.
  4. Estimate operating expenses like rent, utilities, insurance premiums, software subscriptions, and marketing costs.
  5. Calculate the capital needed to launch and sustain your in-home healthcare business, covering initial expenses and providing working capital for continued growth and operations.

While financial projections are a vital component of your in-home healthcare business plan, seek guidance from experienced professionals in the industry. Adapt your projections based on real-world insights, leverage industry resources, and stay informed about regulatory changes, industry standards, and evolving healthcare models to ensure your financial plan aligns with your goals and positions your business for long-term success in providing exceptional in-home care.

Example Non-Medical Care Business Plan

Explore our comprehensive Non-Medical Home Care Business Plan Guide below, complete with an example template to jumpstart your planning process. Download the editable Google Doc version and follow our video walkthrough to tailor the plan to your unique business concept.

Table of Contents

I. Executive Summary

II. Company Description

III. Market Analysis

IV. Service Offerings

V. Marketing and Sales Strategy

VI. Financial Projections

Use of Startup Funds:

Projected Financial Summary:

Annual Sales, Gross Profit and Net Profit:

Key Financial Ratios:

Cash Flow Statement:

VII. Conclusion

I. Executive Summary

Our non-medical home care business, named "Compassionate Care", aims to provide high-quality and affordable in-home care services to seniors and people with disabilities in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Our mission is to help people live with dignity and independence in the comfort of their own homes, by providing compassionate and trustworthy care to meet their physical, emotional, and social needs.

The home care industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by the aging of the population and the increasing demand for alternatives to institutional care. Compassionate Care will differentiate itself from competitors by offering a comprehensive suite of services, including personal care, homemaking, transportation, and companionship, tailored to the individual needs and preferences of each client. Our services will be delivered by a team of experienced and qualified caregivers, who will undergo rigorous background checks and training, and be bonded and insured.

Based on market research and financial projections, we expect Compassionate Care to generate $1 million in revenue in its first year of operations, and to achieve a net profit margin of 22% by the end of year three. To finance the business, we will seek a combination of debt and equity financing, from banks, angel investors, and family and friends.

II. Company Description

Compassionate Care was founded by two friends, Jane Doe and John Doe, who have a combined 20 years of experience in the health care and social services industries. Jane has a Bachelor's degree in Nursing and has worked as a registered nurse for 10 years, while John has a Master's degree in Social Work and has been a social worker for 10 years. Both have a passion for helping people and a vision to create a company that provides compassionate and high-quality care to seniors and people with disabilities.

Compassionate Care will be incorporated as a Limited Liability Company (LLC) and will be headquartered in Dallas, Texas. The company will be owned and operated by Jane and John, who will act as the CEO and COO, respectively. The company will employ a team of 15 caregivers, who will be supervised by a director of nursing and a director of operations. The company will also have an office manager and a marketing and sales coordinator, who will handle administrative and marketing tasks.

III. Market Analysis

The home care industry is a growing and dynamic market, with an estimated value of $100 billion in the United States. The demand for home care services is driven by the aging of the population, the increasing prevalence of chronic conditions, and the preference for home-based care over institutional care. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number of people aged 65 and older is projected to increase from 56 million in 2020 to 84 million in 2050, representing a 50% increase. Moreover, the number of people with disabilities who require assistance with daily activities is also expected to grow, as a result of improved medical care and increased longevity.

Compassionate Care's target market will be seniors and people with disabilities in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, who need assistance with activities of daily living and desire to maintain their independence and quality of life at home. The target market will include individuals who live alone, as well as those who live with family or friends, who need additional support and companionship. The target market will also include those who are transitioning from hospital to home, who need short-term or intermittent care.

Compassionate Care will face competition from other home care agencies, as well as from informal care providers, such as family members, friends, and neighbors. However, Compassionate Care will differentiate itself from competitors by offering a comprehensive and customized approach to care, by involving clients and their families in the care planning process, and by ensuring that the caregivers are well-trained and compassionate. Our services will also be priced competitively, while maintaining high quality standards.

IV. Service Offerings

Compassionate Care will offer a range of in-home care services to meet the diverse needs and preferences of its clients. Our services will include the following:

All of our services will be tailored to the individual needs and preferences of each client, and will be provided in accordance with a care plan that is developed in collaboration with the client and the caregiver. The care plan will be reviewed and updated regularly, based on the client's changing needs and preferences.

V. Marketing and Sales Strategy

Compassionate Care will employ a multi-channel marketing strategy, to reach its target audience and generate leads. Our marketing and sales efforts will include the following:

VI. Financial Projections

Compassionate Care expects to generate $1 million in revenue in its first year of operations, and to grow its revenue by 100% in each subsequent year. The revenue will come from the sale of home care services, which will be priced competitively, based on the number and type of services provided.

Compassionate Care expects to achieve a profit margin of 10% by the end of year three, and to reinvest a portion of the profits into the business to support its growth and expansion.

All of the unique financial projections you see below were generated using ProjectionHub’s Home Healthcare financial projection template. Use PH20BP to enjoy a 20% discount on the template.

Use of Startup Funds:

Projected Financial Summary:

Annual Sales, Gross Profit and Net Profit:

Key Financial Ratios:

Watch how to create financial projections for your very own home care business:

Income Statement:

Balance Sheet:

Cash Flow Statement:

VII. Conclusion

Compassionate Care is poised to capture a significant share of the home care market in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, by providing high-quality and customized care services to seniors and people with disabilities. The company's experienced and dedicated management team, its commitment to excellence, and its focus on client satisfaction, will set it apart from competitors and ensure its success. We look forward to serving the needs of our clients and their families, and to making a positive impact on their lives.

Compassionate Care will also be committed to giving back to the community, by participating in volunteer and fundraising activities, and by supporting organizations that serve seniors and people with disabilities. Our goal is to be not only a trusted and respected provider of home care services, but also a responsible and engaged member of the community.

With this comprehensive business plan, we are confident that Compassionate Care will become a leading provider of non-medical home care services in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. We are eager to launch this business and to make a positive difference in the lives of our clients and the community.

Non-Medical Home Care Business Plan FAQs

How do I start a non-medical home care business?

To start an non-medical home care business, obtain the necessary licenses and certifications, establish legal and regulatory compliance, develop policies and procedures, hire qualified caregivers or nurses, establish relationships with healthcare providers, and create a marketing strategy to reach potential clients.

What types of non-medical home care services can I offer?

Non-medical home care services can include personal care assistance, medication management, medical monitoring, wound care, physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, respite care, and end-of-life care, among others.

How can I attract clients to my non-medical home care business?

To attract clients, establish relationships with hospitals, nursing homes, churches, and healthcare professionals for referrals, create a professional website with informative content, participate in local healthcare events or fairs, network with community organizations, and provide exceptional and compassionate care.

What legal and regulatory requirements do I need to comply with in the non-medical home care industry?

Legal and regulatory requirements in the non-medical home care industry can include obtaining proper licensing, complying with privacy regulations (such as HIPAA in the United States), following state and federal guidelines for caregiver qualifications, and adhering to safety and health regulations.

About the Author

Adam is the Co-founder of ProjectionHub which helps entrepreneurs create financial projections for potential investors, lenders and internal business planning. Since 2012, over 50,000 entrepreneurs from around the world have used ProjectionHub to help create financial projections.